about Drougas Inspections LLC
Purchasing a home is like nothing else you've ever done!
You work with more people (Seller's Realtor, Your Realtor, Mortgage Broker, Attorney, Appraiser, just to name a few.) You will sign so many papers, you will think you are famous. You will calculate your income and budget in more...
Just a phone call or e-mail is all it takes to find out. To make it easier for you, all tests can be scheduled by us as well. So go with an inspector team that not only knows about the home you want but understands what you need to get it.
Anyone performing a home inspection in the State of New Hampshire must be licensed - which we are.
If you are buying a home with a septic system, private or shared, you should consider having it inspected by a professional septic company.
Wood Destroying Insects
Wood destroying insects & organisms can do just that, destroy a home. While not generally a health issue, it is environmental. There are three common insects that do not know the difference between a house and a tree. Carpenter ants, Termites and Powder Post Beetles will all do damage to a home.